Motivation and team leadership: the challenges of remote work

Although remote work has already been implemented in many companies, due to the
sudden changes caused by Covid-19, many enterprises of all sizes were forced to move
their operations remotely.

Digital transformation, which is usually planned with a strong contribution from their
leaders to guarantee a gradual and well communicated cultural transition, occurred
suddenly, pushing leaders to be flexible and furthermore ensuring business results.

How can you manage it? First of all, there are 3 basic concepts to reinforce

  1. Autonomy: create responsible employees. Every day, establish clear goals and expectations for each one, and guide them to achieve them. The key is to get a balance between monitoring responsibilities and projects without putting too much pressure.
  2. Active listening: build empathy and understand your team. You may arrange regular meetings to your team members to open up and share their feelings.
  3. Motivation: create a positive attitude that can be contagious and encourages them to be cooperative, committed and united to get the daily objectives.


Let’s see some good practices that you can implement today

Reinforce productivity

  • Improve internal communication. Use the digital applications at our disposal to organize the work and establish official channels for dialogue and important communications.
  • To deepen in the condition of the remote work of each collaborator to guide him/her to be more efficient. Provide the tools and train them if necessary.
  • Hold daily meetings early in the day where work expectations for each member are clearly defined. This will ensure that daily objectives are clearly established (both as a group and individually).
  • Share an ongoing projects board so everyone is aware of the progress and deadlines.
  • Clearly communicate which commitments you do expect: response times, compliance with schedules, moments of rest and openness to new processes in terms of business needs.


The key: more motivated people

  • Hold regular one-on-one meetings to get to know the reality of each person at this time. Are they worried? Do they have a special situation to solve?
  • Offer flexibility, delegate projects to make them feel productive, confident and valued. Provide feedback on a regular basis.
  • Generate spaces of celebration when achieving a team goal. Implement the “digital clap”.
  • Identify and follow up to those employees who may need more guidance to perform their duties from home.
  • Respect the working day: how much time does each employee spend? Does the shift extend often? Remember: the fact that they work from home does not mean that they are available all day. Taking care of the team also means avoiding

The pandemic brought new emotions, and emotions need to be processed. These are special times when teams need strong leadership, so a well-defined remote work strategy will contribute to business success and maintain engagement within teams and their commitment.


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Miami - Fort Lauderdale, FL
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Hitech World Services INC
Miami - Fort Lauderdale, FL
+1 (305) 395 6699


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